Is WILDFIT for me?

Where can I find a coach in my time zone?

If you are looking for a Certified WILDFIT coach you can find our amazing coaches here You can sort by location, language, upcoming class dates, and more. # KB-0023

Do I have to be on Facebook?

No. You do not have to be on Facebook to do WILDFIT. We do provide moderated Facebook groups with many of our classes but they are optional. Frankly, we would rather find a better way but so far the best way we have found for creating community and collaboration for our clients going through the program is to use Facebook groups. #KB-0003

Will I lose weight with WILDFIT?

While many people do take the WILDFIT Challenge to help them release weight or, at least, some body fat, that is not what the program is about. One of the key principles of WILDFIT is that healthy weight loss (and healthy weight gain) are side effects of a healthy, balanced adherence to the human diet. This is not a diet program, so there is no counting calories or points required. You should try our 14-day Try-WILDFIT program. You can learn more about that at (

Why does it feel so expensive?

"People often have a hard time making a forward investment in their health but then they will pay anything to get their health back once they lose it." - Eric Edmeades We, at WILDFIT, have worked ceaselessly to bring the cost of WILDFIT down over the last several years. While so many things have gotten more and more expensive, WILDFIT has come down in price by over 50% in the last 5 years. For the first few years, our programs started at $1500. We have made significant investments in the d...

Is WILDFIT good for athletes or athletic performance?

Athletic performance is always enhanced by good nutrition and so WILDFIT is an excellent program for people looking to improve their athletic performance. That said, our program is a combination of nutritional content and psychological transformation; it is about changing people's relationship with food so that they don't have to rely on grit and willpower to stick to a set of 'food rules'. There may be times, during the initial program, that athletic performance might waver. We do not re...