Why does it feel so expensive?

"People often have a hard time making a forward investment in their health but then they will pay anything to get their health back once they lose it." - Eric Edmeades

We, at WILDFIT, have worked ceaselessly to bring the cost of WILDFIT down over the last several years. While so many things have gotten more and more expensive, WILDFIT has come down in price by over 50% in the last 5 years. For the first few years, our programs started at $1500.

We have made significant investments in the development, preparation, and delivery of this program in order to make it as accessible as possible. Our program also achieves success rates several times better than the diet industry averages; it is worth the investment. 

That said, we have worked to bring the cost down and if it is still just out of reach you might want to try our new 2-week program, TRY WILDFIT. (And, if you try that program, you may well be offered our primary program at a further discount.)

You can find that program here: https://getwildfit.com/try-wildfit/

